Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Degradation of metal-silicon dioxide-silicon structures under electron irradiation and injection of hot electrons from silicon into the oxide

Yu.N. Kasumov, S.N. Kozlov, A.N. Nevzorov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1990. 45. N 2. P. 87

  • Article

It is shown that the injection of electrons from silicon into the oxide and the irradiation with electrons lead to similar changes in the energy spectra of the surface states and to an increase in the change instability $Si—SiO_2$-metal structure irrespective of the type of conductivity of the silicon substrate. The charge instability that arises is due to generation of mobile ions and slow electron states in the oxide. The character of the energy spectrum of the surface states depends on conditions of electron injection.

Yu.N. Kasumov, S.N. Kozlov, A.N. Nevzorov
Department of General Physics for the Chemistry Faculty, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 2, 1990

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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