Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Motion of a rotationally charged bunch along the axis of a semiinfinite circular waveguide

E.I. Urazakov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 2. P. 11

  • Article

The Wiener-Hopf method [2] is used to find the field excited by a distributed rotationally symmetric charged bunch traveling along the axis of a semiinfinite circular waveguide with finite wall conductance. The radiation fields are obtained for the bunch traveling past the open end and in the interior of the waveguide. From these results, the forces acting on the bunch can be found. The results also hold at relativistic velocities.

E.I. Urazakov
Institute of Nuclear Physics
Issue 2, 1967

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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