Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Magnetic transition in nickel-zinc ferrites with a large zinc content

A.N. Goryaga and Si. Shrinivasan

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1967. 22. N 4. P. 40

  • Article

It is established that the paraprocess and the blurring of the magnetic transitiorr at the Curie point in nickel-zinc ferrites $Ni_(1-x)Zn_xFe_2O_4$ having a large zinc content increase considerably in comparison with ferrites containing small amounts of zinc. Apparently the reason for this is an increase in the exchange interaction between sublattices. Using the method of thermodynamic coefficients we have determined more accurate values for the Curie temperature of nickel-zinc ferrite systems. This enabled us to establish that there is no ferromagnetism in this system when x = 0.81, and not when x= =0.16 as stated in [5).

A.N. Goryaga and Si. Shrinivasan
Department of General Physics for Biologists
Issue 4, 1967

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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