Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

A perturbation-method solution of the ray-tracing equation for an inhomogeneous scattering spherically stratified medium

V.D. Gusev and A. Khuri

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1975. 30. N 3. P. 33

  • Article

The ray-tracing equation is solved in the second approximation by the perturba­ tion method for a spherically layered linear model of the ionosphere. The angle-of-arrival fluctuations of the wave and the mean direction of its emer­ gence from the ionosphere are calculated for isometric Gaussian random inhomo­ geneities on the basis of this solution, and the results are analyzed with com­ parison to the results for a plane-stratified medium.

V.D. Gusev and A. Khuri
Department of Wave Processes
Issue 3, 1975

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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