Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Scattering of radio waves in a plane linear layer

N.A. Makhmutov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1975. 30. N 3. P. 87

  • Article

Solution of the ray-tracing equation by the perturbation method for a plane­ stratified linear model of the ionosphere is considered. The first-approxima­ tion solution for isometric and anisometric Gaussian random inhomogeneities is used in a computer calculation of the second-order moments of the emergence direction of the wave leaving the ionosphere, and their functional relation to the average geomagnetic latitude and azimuth of the radio path is established.

N.A. Makhmutov
Department of Wave Processes
Issue 3, 1975

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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