Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

A method for determining a three-resonator frequency stabilization system

I.I. Minakova and G.P. Minina

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 3. P. 71

  • Article

A method of constant-parameter surfaces, which makes it possible to determine the parameters of a three-resonator frequency stabilization system, needed for obtaining the maximum stabilization coefficients and for determining the range of possible variations in parameters at a given stabilization factor is suggested. Regions on the surface of the given stabilization factor, where the frequency curve is single-, triple-, and quintuple-valued, are examined, as is the region of the energy-criterion instability. Holding and aperture bands are calculated and their dependence on the Q factor of the stabilizing tuned network and the coupling between the networks are investigated.

I.I. Minakova and G.P. Minina
Department of Physics of Oscillations
Issue 3, 1976

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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