Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Internal stresses in oriented ultrasonically deformed nacl monocrystals

N.A. Tyapunina and E.K. Naimi

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1976. 31. N 3. P. 45

  • Article

An optical polarization method suggested previously by the authors is employed for investigating internal stresses in oriented NaCl monocrystals arising due to high-frequency ultrasonic oscillations. The range of stress amplitudes within which Hooke's law applies is established. It is found that the threshold amplitude of strain at which motion and multiplication of dislocations starts depends on the crystallographic orientation of the specimen. Data are obtained on the stress relaxation times in specimens plastically deformed by ultrasound.

N.A. Tyapunina and E.K. Naimi
Department of Molecular Physics and Mechanics
Issue 3, 1976

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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