Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Quantum physics and the proximate action vs. action at a distance dilemma

В.I. Spasskii arid A.V. Moskovskii

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1977. 32. N 3. P. 75

  • Article

Using as examples the Aharonov - Bohm effect and the Einstein-Podol'skii - Rosen paradox the question of the applicability of the proximate action vs. action at a distance dilemma in the behavior of quantum objects is discussed. The state of the formulation of the problem of interaction in classical physics is discussed.

В.I. Spasskii arid A.V. Moskovskii
Department of General Physics for Physicists
Issue 3, 1977

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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