Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Diffuse reflection of light from rough surfaces

E.M. Koshelyaev, V.P. Borodulin, A.P. Zambrzhitskii, and A. A. Puzanov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1977. 32. N 5. P. 18

  • Article

A brief survey is presented of mathematical models of the topography of rough surfaces, a statistical survey of which can be described with the aid of distribution functions of heights and inclination angles of the faces when the mean height of asperities and the mean angle of inclination of faces are specified. A simplified model is proposed to account for diffuse reflection of electromagnetic waves from rough surfaces. The dependence of the scattered radiation field on the geometrical and optical characteristics of the surface topography, angle of incidence, wavelength, and interaction scale of interacting wave and reflecting surface is presented.

E.M. Koshelyaev, V.P. Borodulin, A.P. Zambrzhitskii, and A. A. Puzanov
Nuclear Physics Scientific Research Institute
Issue 5, 1977

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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