Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Features of internal modulation of the C0_2-laser

M.I. Zusman, V.N. Parygin, and A.G. Kukushkin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 2. P. 41

  • Article

We conduct theoretical and experimental research on the internal modulation of the CO_2 laser. The frequency dependence of the amplitude of the varying component of the radiation intensity is shown to have a resonant character. The resonance frequency, the amplitude of the varying component of the intensity, and the width of the resonance curve are determined. Use of the resonant dependence permits attaining a gain in the amplitude of the modulating voltage 60-70 times greater than for external modulation.

M.I. Zusman, V.N. Parygin, and A.G. Kukushkin
Department of Oscillation Physics
Issue 2, 1978

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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