Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Intensity stabilization for the emission from a high-frequency mercury lamp

N.M. Ievskaya, Yu.V. Pavlov, and R.M. Umarkhodzhaev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 3. P. 76

  • Article

A study has been made of methods of stabilizing the output intensity at 253.7 nm from an electrodeless high-frequency discharge in mercury vapor. The intensity distribution in the spectrum varies with the temperature of the sidearm and the input power; working temperature ranges have been defined to provide maximum stability for discharges of the first and second kinds. A stabilizer has been built that provides an intensity stability of about 1% over a period of 2 hr without thermal stabilization of the sidearm.

N.M. Ievskaya, Yu.V. Pavlov, and R.M. Umarkhodzhaev
Issue 3, 1978

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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