A new magnetic method for the quantitative determination of the concentration of magnetic phase $C_M$ in magnetic powders and components made from them is proposed. The method is based on a measurement of the concentrational dependences of the saturation magnetization of powders of the form $I_S = f(c)$ and a comparison of these quantities produced to the value С = 100% (where С is the volume concentration or the packing density of the powder in the measured specimen) with the value $I_S et$ of a standard. A comparison of this method with the results of a determination of the concentration of magnetic phase in powders by X-ray structural analysis is given. The results obtained by the two methods agree to within 2-3%. The simplicity and reliability of the method enables it to be used not only for scientific research but also directly under industrial conditions.
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
0.S. Galkina arid L.V. Lazareva