Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Determination of the concentration of the magnetic phase in highly disperse ferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic materials

0.S. Galkina arid L.V. Lazareva

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1978. 33. N 5. P. 39

  • Article

A new magnetic method for the quantitative determination of the concentration of magnetic phase $C_M$ in magnetic powders and components made from them is proposed. The method is based on a measurement of the concentrational dependences of the saturation magnetization of powders of the form $I_S = f(c)$ and a comparison of these quantities produced to the value С = 100% (where С is the volume concentration or the packing density of the powder in the measured specimen) with the value $I_S et$ of a standard. A comparison of this method with the results of a determination of the concentration of magnetic phase in powders by X-ray structural analysis is given. The results obtained by the two methods agree to within 2-3%. The simplicity and reliability of the method enables it to be used not only for scientific research but also directly under industrial conditions.

0.S. Galkina arid L.V. Lazareva
Issue 5, 1978

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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