Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Effect of electron irradiation on the growth of films of certain metals (Al, Сu, Sb) on dielectric substrates

E.M. Dubinina, S.S. Elovikov, A.S. Ovsyanitskii, G.P. Netishenskayas and E.P. Kirilenko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1979. 34. N 5. P. 52

  • Article

The effect of electron irradiation on the growth of films of Al, Cu, and Sb on single-crystal specimens (NaCl) and on unoriented substrates of glassceramic and silicon monoxide (SiO) is investigated. It is shown that when layers of these metals are grown on crystals of NaCl electron bombardment usually leads to a reduction in the epitaxy temperature. Films deposited on amorphous specimens have greater degree of ordering when bombarded with electrons.

E.M. Dubinina, S.S. Elovikov, A.S. Ovsyanitskii, G.P. Netishenskayas and E.P. Kirilenko
Кафедра электроники
Issue 5, 1979

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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