Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Brief Report

Spontaneous parametric light scattering in Gd$_2$(М$_0$ O$_4$)$_3$

M.F. Vlasenko, I.V. Mityusheva and A.N. Penin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1980. 35. N 1. P. 108

  • Article

Results are presented on a gadolinium molybdate crystal examined in spontaneous parametric scattering at polaritons; the frequency-angle spectra indicate the dispersion of the ordinary refractive index In the range 350-5000 cm$^{-1}$. The frequencies of the type B$_1$ lattice modes have been determined. Two-particle state bands are observed, which determine the absorption of the crystal in the region around ~1800 cm$^{-1}$.

M.F. Vlasenko, I.V. Mityusheva and A.N. Penin
Issue 1, 1980

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

Science News of the Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University

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