Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Relationship between structural and magnetic character istics of highly - dispersed iron

L.V. Lazareva, 0.S. Galkina, Т.M. Shvets and Z.M. Mel'nichenko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1980. 35. N 3. P. 64

  • Article

The dependence of the principal magnetic characteristics,i.e.Is,Ir,Kp end Нс on the packing density p of particles in a specimen at p~0.02-0.6 is investigated with specimens of highly - dispersed iron specimens, obtained electrochemically and differing by the dimensions of particles, lumps, and concentration of the magnetic phase. It was found that there exists a critical packing density p$_cr$ near which particles fracture, with resultant reduction in the anisotropy of their shape. This results in a steep change in the structure - sensitive magnetic parameters Ir, Kp end Нс of the specimens in the vicinity of p$_cr$. It was established that at p < p$_cr$ the value of Нс is the greater, the higher the value of Cm in the powder, and the greater the size D of the lumps D of the starting particles.

L.V. Lazareva, 0.S. Galkina, Т.M. Shvets and Z.M. Mel'nichenko
Issue 3, 1980

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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