Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Centimetre wind waves on currents

G.E. Kononkova, К.V. Pokazeev, L.L. Tarasov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1981. 36. N 1. P. 113

  • Article

The present article is devoted to an experimental study of centimetric wind waves generated in currents. A dependence between the characteristics of the distribution functions of the wave amplitudes and the wind and current speed is shown. A hydrodynamic contrast coefficient which describes the variation of the mean wave heights and wavelengths with the variable current speed is introduced, and it is shown that this coefficient is independent of wind speed. New dimensionless magnitudes of the phase velocity of the waves and their frequency are proposed.

G.E. Kononkova, К.V. Pokazeev, L.L. Tarasov
Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 1, 1981

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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