An improved electromechanical frequency divider is experimentally and theoretically reviewed. In this divider, interaction between the electrical oscillations are the divided frequency and the low - frequency mechanical oscillatory system occurs during a short time interval τ≈T/2 (T=2π/ω) is the period of the divided frequency) near the equilibrium position. Truncated equations are obtained by means of the method of slowly varying amplitudes for the amplitudes and phases of this frequency divider, whose steady - state values are analyzed for two cases, one in which the interaction time is greater than half the period of the high - frequency oscillation (ωτ>π) and the second case in which it is less than it (ωτ<π). The amplitude responses of the divider for the divider bands thus obtained are compared to experimental data. Results of a coputation on the BESM - 4M of the steady - state amplitude and phase processes of an electromechanical frequency divider are presented for cases in which the external effect is approximated by one or two gaussian curves.
Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia