Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Calculation of the frequency spectrum of the electron beam in klystron with premodulation

Yu.K. Alexeev, A.I. Kostienko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1982. 37. N 6. P. 43

  • Article

The example of transit clystron is used to consider a combined perturbation of a one-dimensional electron beam. At the beginning, the current density is amplitude modulated (static control) and, subsequently, the electron velocities are modulated (dynamic control). For large ratios of the control frequencies, a computer was used to calculate the spectral characteristics of the convection current at the entrance to the power takeoff device. The calculations show that it is possible to use a low-frequency amplitude premodulation to increase the electron efficiency of clystron-type pulsed devices which operate in the amplification or frequency multiplication regimes.

Yu.K. Alexeev, A.I. Kostienko
Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 6, 1982

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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