Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Structure of triple dislocation points forming in the course of dislocational reactions in hcp crystals

G.V. Bushueva, E.M. Yakhshaatova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1983. 38. N 1. P. 21

  • Article

The moment method is used to investigate the structure and stability of triple spatial dislocational points in hep crystals. It is shown that the moment method offers the possibility of more rigorous estimation of the conditions of occurrence of dislocational reactions than the Frank criterion. The "moment" criterion allows the region of guaranteed occurrence of dislocational reactions to be determined, i.e., the region of mutual orientations of the dislocations for which the occurrence of reactions between them is favorable.

G.V. Bushueva, E.M. Yakhshaatova
Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 1, 1983

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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