Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Radiation-stimulated optical effects in Ni ruby

T.S. Bessonova, A.I. Sobko, M.P. Stanislavskii

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1984. 39. N 3. P. 1

  • Article

The influence of the nickel content on the induced absorption, radioluminescence, and thermoluminescence of ruby crystals heat treated in different redox conditions is investigated. It is established that electron-hole traps belonging to nickel form a closed system with respect to traps due to chromium in the course of steady irradiation. From the viewpoint of the band structure of the solid, an interpretation of the given phenomena is offered.

T.S. Bessonova, A.I. Sobko, M.P. Stanislavskii
Research Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 3, 1984

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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