Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Effects of molecular oxide films on the luminescence of adsorbed erythrosine molecules in a semiconductor-insulator system

V.A. Bespalov, V.E. Drozd, L.V. Levshin, G.S. Plotnikov, A.M. Saletskii, V.I. Yuzhakov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1985. 40. N 2. P. 64

  • Article

Measurements have been made on the luminescence of adsorbed erythrosine on the surfaces of $Ge-GeO_2$ and $Ge-GeO_2$-transition-metal oxide structures, as well as charge transfers in electron and hole surface traps on illumination in the dye absorption band. It has been found that the trap photodepletion in such systems is due to excitation-energy transfer from the adsorbed molecules; there is a correlation between the structure of the surface oxide layers and the performance in that process.

V.A. Bespalov, V.E. Drozd, L.V. Levshin, G.S. Plotnikov, A.M. Saletskii, V.I. Yuzhakov
Department of General Physics for the Chemistry Faculty, Department of General Physics for the Physics Faculty, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 2, 1985

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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