Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Conditions for energetic-particle generation in solar flares

Yu.I. Logachev, V.G. Stolpovskii

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. 41. N 1. P. 16

  • Article

Measurements have been made with the Prcgnoz satellite and the Venus space probes, which are used in considering the conditions for the generation of high-energy particles: electrons with E > 0.25 MeV and protons as well as heavier nuclei (E > 0.30 MeV/nucleon) during solar flares. There is a good correlation between the amplitudes of the flare-electron fluxes and those of the thermal X-radiation. There are two types of event in solar cosmic rays: accompanied or unaccompanied by bursts of hard X-radiation, and a model is discussed to explain this.

Yu.I. Logachev, V.G. Stolpovskii
Issue 1, 1986

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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