Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Electron-nuclear cascade growth in a homogeneous absorber and the effects of decay and ionization loss

I.P. Ivanenko, T.M. Roganova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1986. 41. N 1. P. 28

  • Article

A solution has been obtained by an approximate analytic method fdr the electron-nuclear cascade equation giving the nonscaling inclusive spectra with allowance for the ionizati.on losses and decay in a homogeneous medium. An estimate is made of the accuracy, and the results are compared with those for scaling and logarithmic cross section increase. The results and the method can be used to calculate average characteristics and some first moments of the particle-number distributions for water and the atmosphere.

I.P. Ivanenko, T.M. Roganova
Issue 1, 1986

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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