Тhе fall in the ground state in а center ($Еo→-∞,ψo^2→ δ(х)$) in а one-dimensional Coulomb attraction field is not related to elevated symmetry in that field but occurs also for attraction potentials $\lambda|x|^{-\nu}, 0<\nu< 2$, although it can bе readily removed bу altering the boundary conditions, in contrast to the fall in а central field (ν≥2,λ<O). Тhе parity degeneracy is lifted automatically with the elimination of the drop in the ground- state level.
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
V.В. Gostev, I.V. Gostev, and А.R. Frenkin
Тheoretical Physics Department
Тheoretical Physics Department