Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

The scope for observing parity nonconservation in electroweak electron interactions

V.S. Zamiralov, B.S. Ishkhanov, and V.I. Mokeev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1988. 1988. N 5. P. 45

  • Article

A study has been made on the scope for observing parity nonconserva­tion in elastic polarized-electron scattering by nuclei at E < 1 GeV. It is shown that electron accelerators under design should allow one to observe the asymmetry in such scattering due to weak lepton-hadron interaction.

V.S. Zamiralov, B.S. Ishkhanov, and V.I. Mokeev
Nuclear Physics Research Institute
Issue 5, 1988

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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