Based on the rnethod of wave packets, а differential equation is derived for estirnating the state arnplitude $C_{L,R}$ of Dirac neutrinos with fixed helicity and electrornagnetic dipole moments $(μ_ν, d_ν)$ in an arbitrary electromagnetic field (Е, Н). Transitions vL↔vR are studied. It is demonstrated that for neutrinos from а supernova and neutron stars intensive transitions $ν_L →ν_R$ can take place at $(μ_ν, d_ν ~10^{- 11}, μ_8)$ for neutrinos from quasars such transitions can becorne significant already at $μ_ν, d_ν ~10^{- 17}, - 10^-18 μ_8$, where = ећ/2m_8с is Bohr's magneton.
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
В.К. Kerimov, Е.N. Khalilov, and V.Р. Tsvetkov
Departrnent of Theoretical Physics
Departrnent of Theoretical Physics