Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Solution of the Dirac equation fоr neutrinos with electromagnetic moments in an external field

В.К. Kerimov, Е.N. Khalilov, and V.Р. Tsvetkov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 2. P. 29

  • Article

Based on the rnethod of wave packets, а differential equation is derived for estirnating the state arnplitude $C_{L,R}$ of Dirac neutrinos with fixed helicity and electrornagnetic dipole moments $(μ_ν, d_ν)$ in an arbitrary electromagnetic field (Е, Н). Transitions vL↔vR are studied. It is demonstrated that for neutrinos from а supernova and neutron stars intensive transitions $ν_L →ν_R$ can take place at $(μ_ν, d_ν ~10^{- 11}, μ_8)$ for neutrinos from quasars such transitions can becorne significant already at $μ_ν, d_ν ~10^{- 17}, - 10^-18 μ_8$, where = ећ/2m_8с is Bohr's magneton.

В.К. Kerimov, Е.N. Khalilov, and V.Р. Tsvetkov
Departrnent of Theoretical Physics
Issue 2, 1989

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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