Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Brief Report

Spin polarization of conduction electrons and the behavior of local magnetic moments of Мn in $Ni_2Mn_{1-x}V_xSn$ alloys

Р.N. Stetsenko, V.V. Surikov, Yu.I. Avksent'ev, V.N. Zhordochkin, and М.А. Mostafa

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 3. P. 121

  • Article

А study is reported of the spatial distribution of the spin density of conduction electrons and the dependence of the magnetic moment of Mn atoms on the concentration of vacancies in $Ni_2Mn_{1-x}V_xSn$ alloys. It is shown that μМn remains constant for $0\le х\le 0,5$ but decreases for х > 0,5.

Р.N. Stetsenko, V.V. Surikov, Yu.I. Avksent'ev, V.N. Zhordochkin, and М.А. Mostafa
Chair of General Physics for Natural Science Departments
Issue 3, 1989

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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