Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Change in emission properties of W- Re alloy after $\gamma$ irradiation

V.А. Mashtakova, Р.В. Ryaryaev, and А.А. Salomatin

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1989. 1989. N 4. P. 32

  • Article

In а cylindrical vacuum diode, emission properties of wires of W-Re alloy irradiated bу у quanta of energy 1.З MeV are investigated. It is shown that the work function determined Ьу the total-current method and the Richardson straight-line method is increased as а result of irradiation and further annealing.

V.А. Mashtakova, Р.В. Ryaryaev, and А.А. Salomatin
De partment of Physical Electronics
Issue 4, 1989

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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