Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Spatial resolution of images in semiconductor structure investigation using a scanning electron microscope in the local cathodoluminescence mode

A.R. Gareeva, R.S. Gvozdover, V.I. Petrov, V.A. El'tekov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1990. 45. N 2. P. 32

  • Article

Analysis of spatial resolution in a scanning electron microscopy study of semiconductors in the local cathodoluminescence mode has been made on the basis of electron trajectory simulation by the Monte Carlo method. A high spatial resolution is shown to be attainable at accelerating voltages of 10 to 20 kV. The experimental results obtained during the cathodoluminescence study of n-GaP are in agreement with the computed values of spatial resolution.

A.R. Gareeva, R.S. Gvozdover, V.I. Petrov, V.A. El'tekov
Department of Physical Electronics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 2, 1990

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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