Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Globular cluster M15: effects of gravitational focusing

M.Yu. Maslakov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1990. 45. N 3. P. 66

  • Article

The central part of the stellar globular cluster M15 has been investigated in search of the effects of gravitational focusing. The feasibility of this effect has been established by comparing the dispersion of the brightness of stars in the central part of the cluster, where this process more probable is, with the brightness of stars in a region distant from the center. The magnitudes of the dispersions have been estimated by the maximum likelihood method.

M.Yu. Maslakov
Sternberg State Institute of Astronomy, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 3, 1990

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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