Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Brief Report

The concentration dependence of microstructure in Al-Mn alloys

V.S. Stepanyuk, G.M. Kalibaeva, A.A. Katsnel'son

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1992. 47. N 2. P. 95

  • Article

Al-Mn alloys with Mn concentrations 14%, 18%, 22.5%, and 25% were modeled by the method of molecular dynamics. The microstructure of these alloys with different concentrations of Mn were found to differ substantially. The structure of all the alloys contained a high percentage of icosahedral microclusters, and the maximum number of the icosahedron-like structures was observed at a concentration of 22.5%.

V.S. Stepanyuk, G.M. Kalibaeva, A.A. Katsnel'son
Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова, физический факультет, кафедра физики твердого тела. Россия, 119991, Москва, Ленинские горы, д. 1, стр. 2
Issue 2, 1992

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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