Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Review Article

Magnetoelectric effects in terbium and gadolinium molybdates

B.K. Ponomarev, S.A. Ivanov, B.S. Red'kin, V.N. Kurlov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1993. 48. N 1. P. 81

  • Article

The effect of a magnetic field H<110 kOe on the electric polarization of single-crystal samples of metastable ferroelectric rare-earth metal molybdates $Тb_1(МоO_4)_3, Gd_2(MoO_4)_3$, and $TbGd(MoO_4 )_3$ was studied at 78 K. The experiments showed that at 78 K the applied magnetic field changes the electric polarization and the ferroelectric domain structure of $TbGd(MoO_4)_3$ and $Tb_2(MoO_4)_3$. Effects of two types were observed: a) a magnetic field-induced deflection of the spontaneous polarization vector from its equilibrium orientation (rotation processes), and b) a field-induced nucleation and growth of domains with opposite electric polarization directions in initially single-domain samples (displacement processes). It is most likely that the observed effects are related to the properties of rare-earth metal ions.

B.K. Ponomarev, S.A. Ivanov, B.S. Red'kin, V.N. Kurlov
Institute of Physics of Solids {Chernogolovka), Russian Academy of Sciences
Issue 1, 1993

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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