Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

The effect of magnetic field on the elastic properties of antiferromagnetic chromium

A.N. Vasil'yev$^1$, Yu.I. Savchenko$^1$, R.S. Georgious$^2$, E. Fawcett$^3$

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1993. 48. N 2. P. 39

  • Article

Field dependences of velocities of transverse and longitudinal sound in chromium, in the region of spin-reorientation transitions induced by an applied magnetic field, have been studied and analyzed within a thermal activation model. Phase boundaries of states with longitudinal and transverse spin density waves have been established in the magnetic field-temperature diagram.

A.N. Vasil'yev$^1$, Yu.I. Savchenko$^1$, R.S. Georgious$^2$, E. Fawcett$^3$
$^1$Department of Low-Temperature Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
$^2$National Bureau of Standards, Egypt
$^3$University of Toronto, Canada
Issue 2, 1993

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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