Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Brief Report

The influence of bulk and surface recombination effects on the time lag in microwave opt ic control

L.А. Borisov, Wang Shan, V.V. Gladun, Yu.А. Pirogov, D.А. Tishchenko, and Е.I. Fominova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1993. 93. N 3. P. 69

  • Article

It is shown that as the thickness of а longitudinal semiconductor insert in а rectangular waveguide decreases, the effective lifetime of free carriers photoexcited bу light diminishes owing to the predominance of the surface recombination over the bulk one in thin plates. Ву contrast, in thick samples, the more protracted bulk recombination processes prevail. They provide а higher factor of microwave energy modulation but the time lag of the response is larger.

L.А. Borisov, Wang Shan, V.V. Gladun, Yu.А. Pirogov, D.А. Tishchenko, and Е.I. Fominova
Department of Radiophysics
Issue 3, 1993

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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