Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Electron absorption spectra and photochemical properties of а new compound, photoЬiotin

К.G. Вlinova, V.I. Yuzhakov, S.N. Shcherbo, and М.F. Тurchinskii

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1996. 1996. N 3. P. 38

  • Article

Electron absorption spectra of а new first synthesized compound, photoЬiotin, have been investigated in relation to the рН value and to an exposure dose of an aqueous solution of this compound. Optimal conditions of labeling nucleic acids with the new photoblotin have been determined. The proposed method of labeling nucleic acids proved to bе very sensitive. The spectral and photochemical characteristics ofthe new photoblotin are compared with the characteristics of biotins investigated earlier.

К.G. Вlinova, V.I. Yuzhakov, S.N. Shcherbo, and М.F. Тurchinskii
Department of General Physics
Issue 3, 1996

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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