The structural, electrophysical, and optical properties of heterostructures of semiconductor-Langmuir-Blodgett film type have been studied. Oriented films of stcaric acid, doped with copper ions, have been synthesized for the first time on tl1e surfacc of germanium, and their structural characteristics have been determined. The role of doping in the formation of additional trapping sites of charge carriers at the semiconductor /film interface and in the film proper has been estaЫished. The luminescence of copper complexes in the film has been studied. The role of dimensional effects is pointed out.
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
V.В. Zaitsev, О.V. Konovalov, G.S. Plotпikov, L.А. Feigin, аnd D.L. Yakovenko
Department of General Physics and Molecular Electronics
Department of General Physics and Molecular Electronics