Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Brief Report

Distribution of superfine fields in semimetallic ferromagnets $NiMnSb_{1-x}Si_x$

V.V. Surikov, Р.N. Stetsenko, S.D. Antipov, G.Е. Goryunov, А.V. Garmashov, and А.L. Kolumbaev

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1996. 1996. N 4. P. 90

  • Article

The nuclear spin echo method was used to measure the distribution of superfine fields on the $^{55}Mn$, $^{121}Sb$ и $^{123}Sb$ nuclei in the new semimetallic ferromagnets $NiMnSb_{1-x}Si_x$. It has becn demonstrated that the local magnetic moments are largely determined bу the local atomic cnvironment of the ion rather than bу the overall composition of the samplc and its average macroscopi1: characteristics.

V.V. Surikov, Р.N. Stetsenko, S.D. Antipov, G.Е. Goryunov, А.V. Garmashov, and А.L. Kolumbaev
Department of General Physics for Faculties of N atural Sciences
Issue 4, 1996

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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