Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Magnetic states and hyperfine interactions in magnetic superlattices Fe/ Al

S.D. Antipov, G.E. Goryunov, A.L. Kolumbaev, G.V. Smirnitskaya, and P.N. Stetsenko

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1996. N 6. P. 51

  • Article

Multilayer Fe/ Al films were synthesized Ьу cathode discharge sputtering with oscillating electrons. The Fe layers were about 6 А thick, the Al layers were 6 to 95 А thick, and the number of layers varied from 250 to 830. The behavior of Fe atoms in the superlattices was studied Ьу the methods of radiographic analysis, magnetic measurements of main magnetic characteristics, 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy, and magnetic phase analysis.

S.D. Antipov, G.E. Goryunov, A.L. Kolumbaev, G.V. Smirnitskaya, and P.N. Stetsenko
Department of General Physics for Natural Sciences
Issue 6, 1996

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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