This paper describes the results of investigations of the magnetic and magnetooptical properties of Au/Co-wedge/ Au {001} sandwiches. It was found that the transverse Kerr effect (ТКЕ) undergoes oscillations with а change of the thickness of the Co-wedge from О to 20 А. It has been established that the period of these oscillations is Т 4-5 А. The value of Т has been found to depend on the quantum energy of incident light. It has been proved that the oscillations of the ТКЕ are caused bу quantum size effects.
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
E.Е. Shalygina, A.V. Vedyayev, А. Marty, В. Gilles, M.V. Lazarev, and О.А. Shalygina
Department of Magnetism
Department of Magnetism