Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Intermittence of structural states of laser beams on near-the-ground paths

T.I. Arsenyan, L.S. Kornienko, P.V. Korolenko, E.A. Kulyagina, G.V. Petrova, N.N. Fedotov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1997. 52. N 1. P. 38

  • Article

This paper is concerned with the phenomenon of the intermittence of structural states of laser beams-quasiperiodic discontinuous transitions between two structural states of the beam (a dislocationless and a stochastic state). The authors have studied the conditions of appearance and the specific features of manifestation of structural intermittence on near-the-ground slant and horizontal paths. The relationship between the optical effects studied and the changes of the turbulent properties of the atmosphere are discussed.

T.I. Arsenyan, L.S. Kornienko, P.V. Korolenko, E.A. Kulyagina, G.V. Petrova, N.N. Fedotov
Department of Optics and Spectroscopy, Department of Radiophysics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 1, 1997

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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