Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

About possible origin of continual emission bands recorded in spectra of a plasma containing heavy inert gases doped with sulfur trioxide

I.S. Lakoba$^1$, S.P. Chernov$^2$, P.B. Essel'bakh$^2$

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1997. 52. N 2. P. 18

  • Article

Spectral continua with peaks of intensity near 350 and 248 nm, found in the radiation of plasma mixtures containing $SO_3 +Хе$ and $SO_3 + Kr$, respectively, are presumably attributed to transitions of exciplexes $XeSO_4^*$ and $KrSO_4^*$ from the lower Coulomb state to the ground state. Proceeding from this assumption, the electron affinity energy of the radical $SO_4$ is estimated to be $ЕА_{SO_4}\approx 4,5$ eV.

I.S. Lakoba$^1$, S.P. Chernov$^2$, P.B. Essel'bakh$^2$
$^1$Moscow State University, International Education Center
$^2$Department of Quantum Radiophysics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 2, 1997

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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