Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Ecologo-geopbysical function of the lithosphere

V.A. Bogoslovskii$^1$, A.D. Zhigalin$^2$, D.G. Ziling$^1$, V.T. Trofimov$^1$, V.K. Khmelevskoi$^1$

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1998. 53. N 4. P. 43

  • Article

The geophysical constituent of the ecologic function of the lithosphere is discussed with an emphasis of its great role in maintaining energy necessary for life on the Earth.

V.A. Bogoslovskii$^1$, A.D. Zhigalin$^2$, D.G. Ziling$^1$, V.T. Trofimov$^1$, V.K. Khmelevskoi$^1$
$^1$Moscow State University, Faculty of Geology
$^2$Institute of Geoecology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Issue 4, 1998

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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