Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Brief Report

Peculiarities of light propagation in ZnAs$_2$

V.A. Morozova, S.F. Marenkin, O.G. Koshelev, A.G. Mironov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1998. 53. N 6. P. 78

  • Article

The transmission coefficient of ZnAs$_2$ single crystals in the region of their transparency was found to depend on light polarization, photon energy, and sample thickness. These dependences were shown to arise from the special features of light propagation in ZnAs$_2$ caused by inhomogeneities sensitive to light polarization.

V.A. Morozova, S.F. Marenkin, O.G. Koshelev, A.G. Mironov
Department of Semiconductor Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 6, 1998

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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