Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Brief Report

Binding energy-interatomic distance correlation between crystals and atomic clusters

D.V. Tsivlin, V.S. Stepanyuk, N.A. Levanov, V.Hergert, A. A. Katsnelson

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1999. 54. N 3. P. 97

  • Article

The dependences of basic characteristics of octahedral clusters on their atomic numbers have been studied theoretically for ten elementary and transition fee metals. Their similarity to the same dependences for crystals has been established. This similarity gives grounds to regard an octahedral cluster as an elementary structural unit of a crystal, which carries extremely important information about the nature of interatomic interactions in a crystal.

D.V. Tsivlin, V.S. Stepanyuk, N.A. Levanov, V.Hergert, A. A. Katsnelson
Department of Solid-State Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 3, 1999

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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