Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Spectrophotometric method for determining order parameter of liquid-crystal polymers in an electrooptical cell

D.F. Kiselev, Т.M. Glushkova, S.A. Ivanov, M.M. Firsova, A.P. Shtyrkova

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2002. 57. N 1. P. 25

  • Article

The order parameter $S$ of homeotropically oriented thin liquid-crystal polymer films placed in an electrooptical cell has been determined. The optical parameters of electrodes have been determined from the observed quasi-periodic polarization spectra by the method of interferometric extrema envelopes and the true polarization absorption spectrum of the polymer has been restored. The quantity $S$ has been calculated from the dichroic ratio in the absorption band at $\lambda=405$ nm with due regard for the local field effects.

D.F. Kiselev, Т.M. Glushkova, S.A. Ivanov, M.M. Firsova, A.P. Shtyrkova
Department of General Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 1, 2002

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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