Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Erbium-doped silicon nanocrystal structures and their possible applications in light-emitting optoelectronic devices

O.A. Shalygina, D.M. Zhigunov, M.G. Lisachenko, S.A. Teterukov, D.A. Sapun, V.Yu. Timoshenko, P.K. Kashkarov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2005. 60. N 1. P. 32

  • Article

Studies into the photoluminescence properties of silicon nanocrystal ensembles prior to and after their doping with erbium show that the optical excitation energy of the nanocrystals is practically completely transferred to the Er$^{3+}$ ions that subsequently emit light at a wavelength of 1.5 fxm, intense optical pumping causing population inversion in the ions. The possibility of using the structures under study in lasers and optical amplifiers integrated with the silicon technology is discussed.

O.A. Shalygina, D.M. Zhigunov, M.G. Lisachenko, S.A. Teterukov, D.A. Sapun, V.Yu. Timoshenko, P.K. Kashkarov
Department of General Physics and Molecular Electronics, Department of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Issue 1, 2005

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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