Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

New type of high-performance terahertz radiation detectors

B.A. Akimov, N.B. Brandt, L.I. Ryabova, D.R. Khokhlov

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2005. 60. N 1. P. 76

  • Article

The properties of lead-telluride based doped semiconductors, which can be used to build high-performance terahertz radiation detectors are discussed. It is shown that these properties make it possible to build radiation detectors whose parameters are much better than those of the existing analogs.

B.A. Akimov, N.B. Brandt, L.I. Ryabova, D.R. Khokhlov
Department of Low-Temperature Physics and Superconductivity, Department of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Issue 1, 2005

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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