Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

A method of determining the distribution of photoconductivity and its relaxation time over the semiconductor wafer thickness

O.G. Koshelev$^1$, E.A. Guseva$^2$

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2007. 62. N 3. P. 193

  • Article

A noncontact method is proposed to determine the depth profiles of photoconductivity and its relaxation time in a high-resistance plane-parallel semiconductor wafer placed at the center of an open confocal cavity normally to its axis and exposed to intensity-modulated light. The method is based on measuring the cavity transmission modulation depth at several frequencies for which the wafer optical thickness equals an integer number of half-waves and the wafer positions in which the phase difference between the interfering waves on the wafer surfaces is a multiple of $\pi/2$. The effect of experimental errors on the accuracy of the method is studied by computer simulation.

O.G. Koshelev$^1$, E.A. Guseva$^2$
$^1$Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, Leninskie gory, Moscow, 119992, Russia
$^2$ Moscow Automobile and Transport Institute (State Technical University), Bol’shaya Semenovskaya ul. 38, Moscow, 105839, Russia
Issue 3, 2007

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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