It is shown that hyperbolic systems of Sutherland spin 1/2 particles in an external field with the Morse potential characterized by parameter $\tau^2$ have a discrete part of their spectrum in the case of a particular constraint on the $\tau$, parameter of two-particle interaction $\lambda$, and the number of particles. The ground state is described by a Jastrow wave function. The results known for systems with an interaction inversely proportional to the squared distance between particles are reproduced in the limit ${\tau\to\infty}$.
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
V.I. Inozemtsev$^1$, N.G. Inozemtseva$^2$, B.I. Sadovnikov$^2$
$^1$Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow oblast, 141980, Russia
$^2$Chair of Quantum Statistics and Field Theory, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
$^1$Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow oblast, 141980, Russia
$^2$Chair of Quantum Statistics and Field Theory, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia