Faculty of Physics
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Frequency dependence of low-temperature phononless conductivity in disordered systems

I.P. Zvyagin, M.A. Ormont

Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2008. 63. N 4. P. 272

  • Article

The frequency dependence of resonant phononless hopping conductivity in disordered systems with pointlike centers of localization in the low-temperature limit is considered within the framework of the pair approximation. It is shown that the existing theory that predicts the power-mode frequency dependence of the low-frequency phononless hopping conductivity $\sigma(\omega)$ and a transition from linear to quadratic dependence (crossover) when frequency increases may become invalid, and the quadratic frequency dependence may never manifest itself at all.

I.P. Zvyagin, M.A. Ormont
Moscow State University, Moscow, 119992, Russia
Issue 4, 2008

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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